1901 (A.H. 1318) Battle of Sārif between Shaikh of Kuwait, and ‘Abd al-‘Azīz ibn Mut‘ib  ar-Rashīd,  the ’Amīr and ruler of Ḥā’il and Jabal Shammar.
1902 (A.H.1319) Capture of Riyaḍ, the capital of the kingdom.
1902 (A.H.1319) Battle of Dilam.
1904 (A.H.1322) Conquest of ‘Unaizah in al-Qāsim.
1904 (A.H.1322) Conquest of Buraidah, the capital of al-Qāsim, and the defeat of Abā al-Khail.
1904 (A.H.1322) Battle of Bukairiyah.
15 November 1904 (A.H.7 Ramaḍān1322) Battle of Shinānah.
1906 (A.H. 1324) Battle of Rauḍat al-Muhannā in which ‘Abd al-‘Azīz ar-Rashīd was killed.
22 September 1907 (A.H.14 Sha‘bān 1325) Battle of aṭ-Ṭuraifıyyā.
1910 (A.H. 1328) Battle of Hadyā.
1910 (A.H. 1328) Conquest of al-Ḥarīq and the defeat and liquidation of al-Hazāzinah, ruler of the Southern Province.
1913 (A.H 1331) Surrender of Hufūf and conquest of al-Ḥasā province.
1915 (A.H 1333) Battle of Juraib.
1915 (A.H 1333) Battle of Kanzam with the ‘Ijmān tribe.
1919 (A.H 1337) Battle of Turaib.
13 October 1920 (A.H.29 Muḥarram1339) Battle of al-Jahrā.
1921 (A.H.1340) Battle of Wadi Ḥajlah, surrender of Abhā and conquest of ‘Asīr.
1921 (A.H. 1341) Capture of Ḥā’il.
1923 (A.H. 1343) First oil concession granted to Eastern & General Syndicate.
1924 (A.H. 1343) Fall of Ṭā’if.
1924 (A.H. 1343) Entry into Makkah.
1925 (A.H. 1344) Incident of the Egyptian Guards of the Maḥmal.
1925 (A.H. 1344) Surrender of Madīnah.
1925 (A.H. 1344) Surrender of Jiddah.
1926 (A.H. 1344) Proclamation of King ibn Sa‘ūd as King of Ḥijāz.
1928 (A.H. 1346) The ‘Big Gathering’ at Riyaḍ.
1929 (A.H. 1347) Battle of as-Sabalah.
27 February 1930 (A.H. 28 Ramaḍān 1348) Meeting of King ibn Sa‘ūd with King Faiṣal of Iraq in the Gulf.
1932 (A.H. 1351) Revolt of Hamad ibn Rifd.
27 September 1932 (A.H. 26 Jamād I. 1351) Changing of the name of H.M. King of Hijāz and Sulṭān of    Najd to H.M. King of Saudi Arabia.
13 November 1932 (A.H.14 Rajab 1351) Revolt of the al-Idrīsī.
11 May 1933 (A.H. 16 Muḥarram 1352) Proclamation of Prince Sa‘ūd ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azīz as Crown Prince Of Saudi Arabia.
1933 (A.H. 1352) Oil concession granted to Standard Oil.
1934 (A.H. 1352) First War of the Yaman.
1935 (A.H. 1353) Attempted assassination of King ibn Sa‘ūd by Yemenis in the Great Mosque at Mekkah.
1945 (A.H.1365) Meeting with President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and King Fārūq in Egypt.
11 November 1953 (A.H. 4 Rabī‘ul I. 1373) Death of H.M. King ‘Abd al-‘Azīz ibn Sa‘ūd.